FSM Lab Smart Introduction


The FSM Lab Smart Introduction app is an advanced Augmented Reality (AR) application designed to enhance user interaction with our cutting-edge smart manufacturing lab. Built using LiDAR-based area targeting, the app provides a seamless blend of the physical and digital worlds, making the lab more interactive and accessible.


Key Features:

  1. Real-Time Data Superimposition: The app integrates live data from the lab’s IIoT network, overlaying crucial information onto various touchpoints around the lab. Users can interact with machines and equipment, accessing detailed operational data.

  2. IIoT Control: Users can control different equipment and machines around the lab using Industrial IoT (IIoT) integration.

  3. Indoor Navigation: The app also serves as an indoor navigation tool, guiding users through the lab and helping them locate specific machines, stations, or workspaces with ease.

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"Smart Manufacturing"

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